About Me

During my ideology quiz I was described as generally young, well-educated and financially comfortable, the Next Generation Left have very liberal attitudes on many issues, including homosexuality, abortion, the environment and foreign policy. While overall supportive of an activist government, most are wary of expanding the social safety net. Most also have relatively positive views of Wall Street’s impact on the economy. While most affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic, few consider themselves strong Democrats. I also took the American Civic quiz and was classified as a Plebeian. On the news quiz I scored better than 50% of the population, below 37% and the same as 13%. I also am currently enrolled in the course because it is a requirement for my nursing degree. As for my political views I am very opinionated and am not afraid to voice my opinion however I do not have a political figure.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Election Day Tuesday

For 140 years Election Day has been held on a Tuesday. Why is that? It doesn't make any logical sense that out of all days of the week it would be a Tuesday. I believe that if we were able to change the day that the election falls on our generation would be more than willing to participate. As we have discussed in class being capable of voting online it would minimize the hassle.
Society doesn't like hassle. Let's face it, we are having to wait in long lines to cast a vote in the ballot. Only reason is because we have to go to extended hours after work. One in four people who didn’t vote in 2006 said that they were “too busy” or had “conflicting work or school schedules.”
We have discussed that making the Tuesday of the election a holiday. However, that would involve a serious cost to the economy. Holding elections on weekends that would make it more convenient and less expensive. 
Let's revisit this idea of making election fall on weekends. Making it possible for as many citizens to cast a vote. Not making it a burden of hassle in "our" very busy schedules. 

1 comment:

  1. http://lifelibertyandthepursuitofblogging.blogspot.com/2015/11/responding-to-election-day-tuesday.html
