About Me

During my ideology quiz I was described as generally young, well-educated and financially comfortable, the Next Generation Left have very liberal attitudes on many issues, including homosexuality, abortion, the environment and foreign policy. While overall supportive of an activist government, most are wary of expanding the social safety net. Most also have relatively positive views of Wall Street’s impact on the economy. While most affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic, few consider themselves strong Democrats. I also took the American Civic quiz and was classified as a Plebeian. On the news quiz I scored better than 50% of the population, below 37% and the same as 13%. I also am currently enrolled in the course because it is a requirement for my nursing degree. As for my political views I am very opinionated and am not afraid to voice my opinion however I do not have a political figure.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Criticize and Demise

As stated in a previous post of mine I discussed how Donald Trump criticizes multiple ethnic groups. I agree with Yara Ramirez  of him being "a huge asshole." 
Yet Donald Trump has been making false allegations which has brought him to being challenged by reporters. He tweets these false allegations which don't have any supporting evidence what so ever. He has also provided false statistics of murder rate among African Americans. It is best that we keep our nation safe from such mediocrity. That we inform and not dumbfound our nation. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Puff Puff Pass

Overall our nation as a whole has no restrictions on consuming illegal substances and receiving Welfare. Why is it that we are still financial supporting those who have no intent of embetterment?
In some states we have initiated taking urine test. 1/5 of TANF applicants reported using illegal substances. It is reported that since our decline in employment that those receiving TANF have declined. 
Why is it that it's such a touchy subject to drug test those on welfare? Classifying the question "unconstitutional." However, when has that ever been a issue? It is stated in some laws "reasonable suspicion." 
Lastly, as for those who shy away from any financial assistance it may be due to the fact that they can not pass a drug test. I know that raises the issue of those who do receive financial assistance are not capable of providing for themselves. Although, I believe that the government should be more involved and monitor those who are using financial assistance. Such as making home visits to actually see if the dependent is living with the recipient. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Active in Afghan

I completely agree that it is ridiculous that troops are still currently in Afghanistan. Obama has intended troops to dwindle in 2017 to 5,500. However, if we do withdraw troops from Afghanistan we are more likely to receive terroristic threats from ISIS and the Taliban. It has been established that withdrawing troops from Iraq that Afghanistan would be unable to enforce such action. ALL_american has discussed all the major issues that were brought up. Although do you honestly think that withdrawing troops would be the best decision? We have created a alliance with them and are not receiving anything in return. Strongly agree that we are fighting someone else's fight.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Election Day Tuesday

For 140 years Election Day has been held on a Tuesday. Why is that? It doesn't make any logical sense that out of all days of the week it would be a Tuesday. I believe that if we were able to change the day that the election falls on our generation would be more than willing to participate. As we have discussed in class being capable of voting online it would minimize the hassle.
Society doesn't like hassle. Let's face it, we are having to wait in long lines to cast a vote in the ballot. Only reason is because we have to go to extended hours after work. One in four people who didn’t vote in 2006 said that they were “too busy” or had “conflicting work or school schedules.”
We have discussed that making the Tuesday of the election a holiday. However, that would involve a serious cost to the economy. Holding elections on weekends that would make it more convenient and less expensive. 
Let's revisit this idea of making election fall on weekends. Making it possible for as many citizens to cast a vote. Not making it a burden of hassle in "our" very busy schedules. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Maximized Surveillance

Our generation is completely pompous. Us as a nation are to gullible and juvenile to the media. Our Amendments are being voided by contracts and social media. In a opinionated article by Bill Mears & Evan Perez they go in depth sharing there opinion about the U.S. collecting phone records.

They state the event that occurred previously Snowden. Snowden provides our generation with informative knowledge as well as citizen. However, why do we suggest to ignore it? Is it because we prefer to be ignorant? 

It is nearly 'arbitrary invasion' that was stated in the claim against phone wiring. The ruling by Leon proceeded to go to the Obama administration. 

However the ruling was acknowledge as unconstitutional Snowden has fled for disclosing such information. As he was just trying to inform the public. 

It is obsured the things we have came to. Politically incorrect and I side with the writers of this article. This article is flawless with detailed & fluid. EXCELLENT JOB RATE IT A 5 out of 5. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Campus Carry

A countless number of lives have been taken due to campus shootings. However, we should not implement campus carry. Firearms are obtained legally, and are usually handled by the mentally ill. Shortly after the shooter either takes his own life or his life is taken by law enforcement.
As shown in the image these UT students are against campus carry. Statistics show that college students have higher rates of mental illness, and one in four have thoughts of suicide. Allowing campus carry personally I believe will not guarantee security on campus. The most logical thing to do would be to limit firearm access to those with a mental illness. President Barack Obama expresses his frustration, evident when he pointed out that there is “a gun for roughly every man, woman and child in America. So how can you with a straight face make the argument that more guns will make us safer?”
It is nearly inevitable to predict when a mass shooting will occur. Although, if the public does not feel comfortable with the campus carry law in should not be implemented. That is just allowing firearms to be more accessible to commit the same crime. UT System Chancellor William McRaven, by saying in January that passage of campus carry would make our colleges “less safe."
The campus carry law will become effective Aug. 1,2016. We will have to wait and see how effective this law will be. If not what actions will be enforced to prevent the lives of innocent people being taken from them.
 In a nutshell I completely agree with the publishers state of logic in The American Statesman.  Presents factual evidence that those on college campuses are not physiologically in the right state of mind. These college students are more likely to conduct these acts of violence with easier access to firearms and endanger lives of others when the law is set into motion.
Therefore, backing up the factual evidence in the article, and a personal level while attending a University felt symptoms of depression. Males from my knowledge of previous courses males are less likely to seek counseling during anxiety, or depression, or suicidal acts.
Lastly, the statement that was presented that stated:
"If our current crop of lawmakers can’t find it within their own human decency to vote on common-sense gun legislation — such as limiting firearm access for the mentally ill — then perhaps it is time to elect lawmakers who will."
The end statement of that quote should of not have been presented. Due to the fact that it presents that our nation has incompetence to elect lawmakers who implement these new laws. Overall the article was a good read with supporting evidence as well as, stats. The overall grade the writer would receive would be graded on on 10 point scale. Leading me to make my final decision that the read is a astonishing 8.5. Agreeing with the logical sense that we SHOULD NOT enforce FIREARMS!!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Boarderlines & Politices

I believe that students should take the time to read the article that I found because it discusses the racial tactics that Donald Trump uses. I believe that he is completely ignorant and denies accountability for his actions. Not only that but his tactics are not well constructed and are irrelevant to the campaign.
Donald Trump uses this specific quote to tantalize his opponent "she had blood coming out of her whatever." How is that in any case relevant to the situation at had which happens to be politics. I believe that what we should be discussing is how to fix our current situation of the United States. Donald Trump does not use tactics like his opponents or factual evidence so he resorts to a temper tantrum. 
Another is his allegation that all Mexicans immigrants stating "they're rapist." Also further in the link that is going to be attached he states that they are also drug lords. Honestly, Mexicans are not the only ones that are corrupting our nation do not know why they are being pushed the most. 
In all actuality politics should be conducted in a civil manner and by that being said I do not support Trump being president.
